Du học Đài Loan: Điểm tên các trường Đài Loan có chương trình dạy bằng tiếng Anh & cấp học bổng năm 2024 lên đến 100%

Đối với những bạn sinh viên không biết tiếng Trung hoặc không có ý định học tiếng Trung thì việc theo học các chương trình giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh là sự lựa chọn hợp lý và tốt nhất. Có khoảng 190 chương trình dạy bằng tiếng Anh ở các bậc đại học, thạc sĩ và tiến sĩ tại các trường đại học Đài Loan được công bố trên website của Bộ Giáo dục Đài Loan.

Dưới đây Viet Global đã lập danh sách trường đào tạo các ngành bằng tiếng Anh để các bạn tiện tham khảo nếu như có định hướng du học Đài Loan bằng ngôn ngữ này. 

Khái quát về chương trình đào tạo bằng tiếng Anh tại Đài Loan

Tại Đài Loan có nhiều trường đại học tổ chức các chương trình quốc tế khác nhau được giảng dạy hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh. Những chương trình này được nhiều sinh viên quốc tế nói chung cũng như sinh viên Việt Nam nói riêng lựa chọn, hướng tới đào tạo công dân toàn cầu. Sinh viên có thể làm việc hoặc học tập lên cao hơn trên toàn thế giới ngay sau khi tốt nghiệp.

Những đặc điểm chính của loại hình đào tạo này là:

  • Chất lượng giáo dục trình độ cao
  • Giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh (điều kiện chi tiết về trình độ ngoại ngữ được trình bày trong bản miêu tả của từng chương trình)
  • Chương trình học được tổ chức rất chặt chẽ
  • Bằng cấp tốt nghiệp được thế giới công nhận
  • Sinh viên được trợ giúp và tư vấn đặc biệt về mặt chuyên môn và xã hội từ các giáo sư và trợ giảng, các bạn được chia thành nhóm nhỏ để học tập

Học bổng dành cho các chương trình học bằng tiếng Anh

Học bổngGiá trị
Loại A100% học phí + phí ký túc xá + trợ cấp tháng
Loại B100% học phí + phí ký túc xá
Loại C100% học phí
Loại D50% học phí + 50% phí ký túc xá
Loại E50% học phí
Loại F100% học phí hoặc ký túc xá theo từng kỳ, từng năm (học bổng ngắn hạn)

Lưu ý: Học bổng này chỉ được cấp 1 năm, năm tiếp theo sẽ dựa vào kết quả học tập của năm trước đó để đánh giá.

Điều kiện đăng ký:

  • Điểm trung bình GPA 3 năm học THPT hoặc đại học từ 7.5/10 trở lên
  • IELTS từ 5.5 – 6.0 trở lên hoặc TOEIC từ 650 – 750 trở lên (có thể dùng chứng chỉ tương đương) đối với chương trình học bằng tiếng Anh

Tiêu chí để xét học bổng:

  • Năng lực học tập
  • Trình độ ngoại ngữ
  • Thư giới thiệu
  • Kế hoạch học tập
  • Khả năng thể hiện khi được phỏng vấn

>> Click here để được hướng dẫn hồ sơ đăng ký học bổng du học Đài Loan

Trường tiếng Anh Đài Loan
Có khoảng 190 chương trình dạy bằng tiếng Anh tại các trường đại học Đài Loan

Danh sách trường cung cấp chương trình đào tạo bằng tiếng Anh tại Đài Loan



Tiến sĩThạc sĩCử nhân

National Taipei
University of
Technology (Taipei

International Master Program in Mechanical and Automation Engineeringo
International Graduate Program in College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (CMEE)o
International Master Program in Energy Refrigerating, Air-Conditioning & Vehicle Engineeringo
International Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)oo
International Graduate Program in Energy and Optoelectronic Materials (EOMP)o
International Master of Business Administration Program (IMBA)o
International Program for Interaction Design and Innovationoo
Department of Englishoo

National University of Kaohsiung

International Master of Business Administrationo

National Pingtung
University of Science
and Technology

International Bachelor’s Degree Program in Financeo
Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperationooo

National Pingtung
University of Science
and Technology

International Program in Ornamental Fish Technology and Aquatic Animal Healtho
International Degree Program of Animal Vaccine Technologyo

Soochow University

Global Business Programo

Fu Jen Catholic University

Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineeringo
Department of English Language and Literatureo
Brand and Fashion Management MA Programo
International Management MBA Programo
Interdisciplinary Studies – Bachelor’s Degree Programo

Kun Shan University

International Program in Mechanical Engineeringoo
International Master Program in Mechatronics Automation Engineering and Managemento

National Yunlin
University of Science
and Technology

Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technologyo
Department of Mechanical Engineeringoo
Department of Civil and Construction Engineeringo
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineeringo
Department of Business Administrationo

National Yunlin
University of Science
and Technology

Department of International Business Administrationo
Graduate Institute of Artificial Intelligenceo
Department of Financeoo
Bachelor of International Management Programo
Graduate School of Technological and Vocational Educationoo
Department of Applied Foreign Languageo

Asia University

Department of Health care Administrationoo
Department of Psychologyoo
Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnologyo
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineeringooo
Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineeringooo
PhD Program in Artificial Intelligenceo
Department of Business Administrationooo
Department of Financeo
Department of Accounting and Information Systemso
Department of Financial and Economic Lawo
Department of Leisure and Recreation Managemento

National Dong Hwa University

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatureoo
Department of Social Worko
Department of Digital Media Designoo
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (International Program)oo
Bachelor Program of Management Science and
Department of Chemistry (International Program)oo
Department of Materials Science and Engineeringoo
Department of Physics Applied Physics (International Program)oo
Department of Business Administration (International Program)o
Department of Information Management (International Program)o
Master of Humanity and Environmental Science Programo
PhD in Asia-Pacific Regional Studies Programo
International PhD Program in Indigenous Studieso
Bachelor Program of Accounting and Information Managemento

Shih Chien University

English-Taught Programs in International Businessoo

Shih Chien University

English-Taught Program in Smart Service Managemento

National Tsing Hua University

Department of Chemistryoo
Institute of Astronomyoo
Institute of Biomedical Engineeringoo
Institute of Anthropology (English-Taught Master of Austronesian Studies Program)o
International Master of Business Administrationo
Department of English Instructiono
International Intercollegiate PhD Program (General Section)o
Biomedical Artificial Intelligence PhD Programo
Taipei School of Economics and Political Science Master of Arts in Political Economyo
Tsing Hua College Group International Bachelor Degree Program – Group Bo

National Changhua
University of Education

International Master of Engineering, College of Engineeringo
International Program for Master of Science in Materials and Biological Technology, and Science Educationo
International Nursing PhD Program and Master’s Degree Programoo

National Taipei
University of Nursing
and Health Sciences

International Nurse Midwifery – Master of Science Programo
International Health Technology – Master of Science Programo
International Master of Sport Science Programo

Tamkang University

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering – Master’s Degree Program (English-Taught)oo
Department of English – Bachelor’s Degree Program (English-Taught)o
Division of Global Financial Management, Department of Banking and Finance – Bachelor’s Degree Program (English-Taught)o
Department of Banking and Finance – Master’s Degree Program (English-Taught)o
Division of Global Commerce, Department of International Business (English-Taught)o
Master’s Program in Business and Management, Department of Management (English-Taught)o
Department of Diplomacy and International Relations – Bachelor’s Degree Program (English-Taught)o
Department of Global Politics and Economics – Bachelor’s Degree Program (English-Taught)o
Department of International Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree Program (English-Taught)o

Wenzao Ursuline University of

Department of Englishoo
Master of International Affairs Programo

Wenzao Ursuline University of

Department of International Affairso
Department of Foreign Language Instructiono

National Kaohsiung
University of Science
and Technology

International Master of Business Administrationo

National Pingtung University

International PhD and Master of Applied Science Programsoo
International Master of Information Technology and Applications Programo
International Master of STEM Education Programo

Taipei National
University of the Arts

International Master of Arts Program in Cultural and Creative Industrieso

Ming Chuan University

Bachelor of International Business and Trade Programo
Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication Programo
Bachelor of Fashion and Innovation Management Programo
Bachelor of Information Technology Management Programo
Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Programo
Bachelor of International Affairs and Diplomacy Programo
Department of Applied Englisho

National Taiwan
University of Science
and Technology

International Advanced Technology Programo
Department of Industrial Managementoo
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineeringoo
Department of Mechanical Engineeringoo
Department of Materials Science and Engineeringoo
Department of Civil and Construction Engineeringoo
Department of Chemical Engineeringoo
Department of Electrical Engineeringoo
Department of Business Administrationoo
Department of Information Managementoo
Department of Designoo
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Educationoo
Graduate Institute of Automation and Controloo
Department of Architectureoo
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineeringoo
Graduate School of Business Administration (MBA)o
Graduate School of International Business (International Program) (MBA)o
Graduate School Master of International Affairs Program (MA)o
Graduate School of Applied Englisho

National Taiwan
University of Science
and Technology

Department of Applied Foreign Languageso
Graduate Institute of Financeoo
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineeringoo
Graduate Institute of Technology Managemento
MBA Programo
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technologyoo
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineeringo
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technologyo
Graduate Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technologyoo
Graduate Institute of A.I. Cross-disciplinary Technologyoo
Graduate Institute of Energy and Sustainability Technologyoo

Chinese Culture University

English Program of Global Businessoo

Tunghai University

International PhD Program in Biomedical and Materials Scienceo
International Graduate Degree Program for Biodiversityo
Global Master of Business Administrationo
International Business Administration Programo
Sustainability Science and Management Programo
International PhD Program in Biomedical and Materials Scienceo

Kainan University

International Honors Programo
International College Interdisciplinary Degree Programo

Kaohsiung Medical

Graduate Institute of Medicineoo
Master of Science Program in Tropical Medicineo
School of Nursingo
Department of Medicinal and Applied Chemistryo
PhD Program in Life Scienceso

Ming Chi University of Technology

International PhD Program in Innovative Technology of Biomedical Engineering and
Medical Devices
Energy and Battery Technology PhD Programo
International Master of Business Administrationo

National Kaohsiung
Normal University

Engineering International Graduate Programo

National Taiwan Normal University

Department of Educationo
Department of Englishoo
Department of Physicsoo
International Doctoral Program in Integrative STEM Educationo
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmento
International Master Program in Acupunctureo

China Medical

Graduate Institute of International Public Health – Master’s Degree Programo
International Master’s Program of Biomedical Scienceso

National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University

International Health Programsoo
Institute of Biophotonicsoo
International College of Semiconductor Technologyoo
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – International Graduate Programoo
International PhD Program in Photonics (University System of Taiwan)o
International PhD Program in Environmental Science and Technology (University System of Taiwan)o
Institute of English Teaching to Speakers of Other Languageso
Global Business Administration – Master’s Degree Programo

Feng Chia University

Department of International Businesso
Department of Foreign Languages and Literature – English – Master’s Degree Programo
Bachelor of International Business Administration Program – fully taught in Englisho

National Cheng Kung University

Energy Engineering – International degree Programsooo
Taiwan International Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscienceo
Institute of International Managementoo
Institute of Creative Industries Designoo
Interdisciplinary Sustainability Studies – International Master’s Degree Programo
International Curriculum for Advanced Materials Program – iCAMPo
Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management – International Master’s Degree Programo
Intelligent Manufacturing – International Master’s Degree Programo
International Institute of Medical Device Innovation, MSc Programo

Fo Guang University

Department of Buddhist Studies – Master’s Degree Programo
International Master Degree Program for Molecular Medicine in Emerging Viral Infectionso

Providence University

Global Master of Business Administration Programo
International Business Administration Programo
International Program in Computer Scienceo

Chang Gung University

International Master of Science Program in Reconstructive Microsurgeryo
Graduate Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Science, Craniofacial Surgery and Research Divisiono
School of Business – Master’s Degree Programo
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciencesoo
School of Nursingo
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciencesoo
Department of Biomedical Engineeringo
Department of Mechanical Engineeringo

Chung Yuan Christian

International Business Administration – Undergraduate & Master’s Degree Programsoo
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering – International Master’s Degree Programo
Information Technology and Cloud Computing – International Master’s Degree Programo
Department of Electrical Engineering – International Master’s Degree Programo
International Business Administration – Bachelor’s Degree Program taught in Englisho
Finance and Business Analytics – Bachelor’s Degree Program taught in Englisho

I-Shou University

Intelligent Tourism and Hospitality Management – Bachelor’s Degree program taught in Englisho
Department of International Media and Entertainment Managemento
Artificial Intelligence Technology – Bachelor’s Dergree Program taught in Englisho
International Master of Business Administrationo

National Chiayi University

Global Master Program of Teaching Professiono
Global Master Program of Tourism and Managemento
Global Master Program of Life Scienceso
International Graduate Programs in Medicineoo
Cell Therapy and Regeneration Medicine
International PhD Program
Graduate Programs in the School of Dentistryoo
School of Dental Technology – Master’s Degree Programo
Graduate Programs in the School of Pharmacyoo

Taipei Medical University

International Master Program for Translational Scienceo
Graduate Programs for Cancer Molecular Biology and Drug Discoveryoo
PhD Program in Medical Neuroscienceo
Medical Neuroscience – International Master’s
Degree Program
International PhD Program for Translational Scienceo
PhD Program in Neuroscience of Cognition and Consciousnesso
Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain and Consciousness – Master’s Degree Programo
Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine – Master’s Degree Programo
Biotech Healthcare Management – International PhD Programo
School of Health Care Administration – Master’s Degree Programo
Graduate Programs in the Graduate Institute of
Biomedical Materials and Tissue Engineering
Graduate Institute of Nanomedicine and Medical Engineering – Master’s Degree Programo
Biomedical Engineering – International PhD Programo
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Optomechatronics – Master’s Degree Programo
Graduate Programs in the School of Nutrition and Health Sciencesoo
Graduate Institute of Metabolism and Obesity Sciences – Master’s Degree Programo
School of Food Security – Master’s Degree Programo
Clinical Drug Development of Herbal Medicine – PhD Programo
Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy – Master’s Degree Programo
Clinical Genomics and Proteomics – Master’s Degree Programo
Graduate Programs in the School of Nursingoo
International PhD Program in Gerontology and Long-Term Careo
Graduate Programs in the School of Public Healthoo
Graduate Programs in the Graduate Institute of Injury Prevention and Controloo
Graduate Programs in Global Health and Health Securityoo
PhD Program in Medical Biotechnologyo
School of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology – Master’s Degree Programo
Graduate Programs in the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informaticsoo

National Taipei University

Business Administration in Finance – Master’s Degree Programo
Smart Healthcare Management – Master’s Degree Programo

National Sun Yat-sen University

International PhD Program for Scienceo
International Master’s Program in Electric Power Engineeringo
International Master’s Program in Telecommunication Engineeringo
International Business Bachelor Programo
Master of Business Administration Program in International Business (IBMBA)o
Global Human Resource Management – English MBA Program (GHRM MBA)o
International Graduate Program of Marine Science and Technologyo
International Master Program in Asia-Pacific Affairso
International Graduate Program of Education and Human Developmentoo
Department of Biological Scienceso
Department of Physics (Quantum Science and Technology)o
Department of Applied Mathematicso
Department of Chemistryo
Department of Electrical Engineeringo
Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineeringo
Department of Computer Science and Engineeringo
Department of Photonicso
Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Scienceo
Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resourceso

National Central

International PhD Program in Photonics (University System of Taiwan)o
International Master of Business Administration Programo
Department of Financeo
International Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligenceo
Department of Life Sciencesoo
Master of Science Program in Remote Sensing Science and Technologyo
International PhD Program in Environmental Science and Technology (University System of Taiwan)o

National Taichung
University of Education

Department of English – Master’s Degree Programo
International Master of Business Administration (IMBA)o

National Kaohsiung
University of
Hospitality and

International Master’s Program of Tourism and Hospitalityo
International Bachelor Program in Tourism Managemento
International Bachelor Program of Culinary Artso

Da-Yeh University

Department of Medicinal Botanicals and Foods on Health Applicationso
Department of Electrical Engineeringo
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineeringo
Department of Environmental Engineeringoo
PhD Program in Managemento
Department of Business Administrationo
Department of Englishoo

Yuan Ze University

Industrial Engineering and Management Programsoo
Bachelor of Business Administrationo
Global Master of Business Administration (GMBA)o
Global Master of Science (GMS)o
Doctoral Program in Management and Financeo

National Chengchi University

International Master’s & Doctoral Programs in Asia-Pacific Studies (IMAS, IDAS)oo
International Master of Business Administration (IMBA)o
International Master’s Program in International Communication Studies (IMICS)o
International Master’s Program in International Studies (IMPIS)o
International Master’s Program of Applied Economics and Social Development (IMES)o
International College of Innovation (ICI) – Bachelor’s Degree Programo

National Chung Cheng University

PhD Program in Science, Technology, Environment, and Mathematicso
Cognitive Sciences – PhD Programo
Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systemso
Ambient Intelligence and Smart Systems Doctorate Programo
International Master Program in Global Financeo
Educational Leadership and Management Development – Master’s Degree Programo
Educational Leadership and Management Development – PhD programo
Climate Change and Sustainable Development – International Graduate Degree Programsoo
Taiwan International Graduate Program in Earth System Scienceo
Department of Economicsooo
School of Nursingo
Graduate Institute of Molecular Medicineo
Department of Civil Engineeringo
Department of Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Divisiono
Department of Material Science and Engineeringoo
Institute of Applied Mechanicsoo
Institute of Industrial Engineeringoo
Taiwan International Graduate Program in Molecular Science and Technologyo
Taiwan International Graduate Program in Sustainable Chemical Science and Technologyo
School of Forestry and Resource Conservationoo
Department of Agricultural Economicso
Institute of Biotechnologyoo

National Taiwan University

Biotechnology and Food Nutrition – Bachelor’s Degree Programo
Graduate Institute of Business Administration

Division of Operations and Decision Management

Global MBAo
Graduate Programs in Global Healthoo
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformaticso
Taiwan International Graduate Program in Bioinformaticso
Taiwan International Graduate Program on the Artificial Intelligence of Thingso
Institute of Plant Biologyoo
Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biologyoo
Genome and Systems Biology – Graduate Degree Programsoo
Taiwan International Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Neuroscienceo
Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science – Master’s Degree Programo
Biodiversity – International Master’s Degree Programo
Undergraduate Program in Engineering and Technologyo
Smart Medicine and Health Informatics – Master’s Degree Programo
Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience – Master of Science Programo

National Taiwan Ocean University

Marine Biotechnology and Environmental Ecology Sustainability – International Master’s Degree Programo

National Taipei
University of Education

Master of Arts in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Arto
International Master’s Program of Learning and Instructiono

National Chung Hsing University

International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studieso
International Graduate Programs of Agricultureoo
International Bachelor of Agribusiness Programo
Taiwan International Graduate Program –Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences (MBAS)oo
International Master Asia and China Studies Programo

Chang Jung Christian

International Bachelor Degree Program for Sustainable Developmento
International Program in Translation and Interpretingo
College of Management MBA Program in Business and Operations Managemento

Mọi thông tin chi tiết về du học Đài Loan, vui lòng liên hệ với Viet Global để được tư vấn và hướng dẫn.

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